Help Support Your Local Competitive Gymnastics Team!
Your support in attending our upcoming events, participating in fundraisers, sharing your time by volunteering, and becoming business sponsors is very appreciated.
You are helping girls become strong, confident, and motivated to be the best gymnasts they can be!
The Benefits in Being a Business Sponsor
In today’s new economy, budgets have been cut in almost every area, including marketing dollars. In the world of advertising, we are being bombarded every day with messages of new and improved products and services. Traditional ads that shout buzz words about how different they are from their competition or why someone should buy something, have lost their impact and prove to be a waste of money. A more effective alternative is becoming an event sponsor. (Article Credit)
Here are the top 10 reasons why it’s a powerful way to promote your company.
1) Create, Develop and Enhance Credibility
2) Highly Targeted Marketing
3) Leveraged Lead Generation
4) Media Exposure
5) Brand Awareness & Recognition
6) Generate New Sales & Form New Business Partnerships
7) Community Involvement and Giving Back
8) Distribute Samples or Trial Offers
9) Contacts - Access to Mailing Lists, Distribution Channels, Broadcast Opportunities
10) Tax Deduction & Write Off